Waarom documentprocessen automatiseren?

Waarom documentprocessen automatiseren?

Handmatige documentverwerking is tijdrovend en foutgevoelig. DocuMinds kan gegevens uit documenten halen, classificeren en overbrengen naar uw bedrijfssysteem, waardoor uw werknemers sneller, slimmer en efficiënter kunnen werken. Met DocuMinds kunt u vervelend werk wegnemen, de nauwkeurigheid verhogen en processen versnellen. U kunt medewerkers in staat stellen zich te concentreren op hoogwaardig werk.

  • Automate processing of digital documents
  • Process large numbers of business documents fast and accurately

How does document automation works?

Document automation relies on software that pulls data from a questionnaire or a database to populate a template and produce new documents. For example the DocuMinds software can identify personal data or other proces data and input it directly into a smart template.

Any document that is commonly reproduced is a good candidate for document automation. However, organizations must keep in mind that the software will update only select fields based on rules within the system and information available within the organization.

Benefits of document automation

  • The days of drafting documents from scratch are long gone. With document automation, you can create a wide range of documents in a fraction of the time it previously took.
  • Reduced likelihood of errors becauase document automation eliminates these concerns, producing document templates that are accurate and consistent.
  • A better customer experience. For better or worse, speed of delivery is something clients increasingly expect and demand.

Adopting document automation is an effective way to not only gain an advantage over competitors but also attract and retain clients and increase customer experience.

Do you want to know how you can automate your document processes? Contact us at moc.sdnimucod@ofni

Gebruik documentautomatisering op de juiste manier.

DocuMinds brengt een nieuwe full-featured platform voor documentautomatisering.